Our journey started with a dream

So we reached for the stars

But neither of us are TALL … so…

We reached for a glass, poured ourselves a cocktail, and got to work

Shedding the imposter syndrome

Stopping the chase

Sharing everything we know

It is in this space that we began attracting what we deserve

The opportunities to release our positive vibes into the universe

And in return we received the power to pursue

Our passion. And not just passion passion … but the root of the word, passion.

The suffering it takes to make images become art

Day after day

Night after Night

Story after story

Talking to the underdogs

The 99%

The ones who lack a platform and desperately

…need a boost (too).

We weaved our connections into a tapestry so beautiful one couldn't help but notice

And when thrown up in the air like a parasail

Our vision blocked the sun

This is all we have ever wanted

To live inside the safety of our childhood imagination

Daring to explore the world with the same boundless curiosity that brought us here

Making believe until we can hardly believe it

This is our story. This is our dream. Capturing the beauty of life in motion.


Heather & Justin


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Heather Roymans

Justin_aboutpage thumbnail.jpg

Justin Kanner


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